The Shannon Lab is hiring!
Join our lab in the Twin Cities! We often have open positions for graduate students, postdocs, undergrads, and researchers. Feel free to reach out even if we do not have open opportunities!
Specific Opportunities
Postdoctoral Opportunities
There are currently no open postdoctoral opportunities. If you’re interested in working with us on a project related to you interests, feel free to email Dr. Shannon ( about applying for independent funding as she is happy to help develop project ideas for postdoc fellowships. Please include a CV and 2 first author manuscripts (pre-prints are fine) in your email. In general we look for postdocs with computational genetics experience.
Undergraduate Research
We regularly hire undergraduates as research assistants in the field and greenhouse. In particular we look for students who are enthusiastic about plant care, don’t mind dirt, are willing to lift crates of potatoes, and would like to learn about potato breeding and genetics.
Interested in summer opportunities? We are looking for undergrad workers to help out in the field, greenhouse, and lab. Part- and full-time opportunities are available. Please contact Logan Rodewald ( if you’re interested.
We also love to hire students through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. If you’d like to put together a project related to potato breeding or potato evolution please contact Dr. Shannon introducing yourself and your research interests. We are happy to help you develop your own research project!
There are currently no open researcher positions.